Sunday, September 21, 2014

A Third Grade Virtual Classroom Tour Reflection

I completely relate to this teacher's philosophy. She teaches third grade and strives to make her classroom fun, engaging, and to use lots of repetition! She believes that all students should be engaged from the top of the list to the bottom.

I watched the virtual classroom tour for third grade. When I first clicked on the virtual tour, I looked around the classroom and noticed these little red dots. Actually, the first thing I noticed was the couch, which I thought was pretty awesome! But after that I noticed the dots, and naturally, I clicked on one. This opens to a YouTube video describing the particular function of that visual in the classroom. I was so fascinated by the variety of different activities that happen in one day and the creativity that goes into them. It is so exciting to see the creative use of these visuals in a classroom. They can act as an enforcement of positive behavior, make learning more exciting, or even give students activities to do that free up the teacher to work in smaller groups of children.

I loved the poetry club idea! Not only do the kids get used to being fluent when reciting something, but it also makes public speaking fun. I think it is so important to have children do these oral presentations at a young age so they won't have such strong fear of it when they're in middle and high school. This activity also gives the students the opportunity to express themselves; maybe by acting out the poem, making other students laugh, or simply just getting the opportunity to be the loudest person in the room!

This classroom is a huge inspiration for innovation within a classroom, and inspire me personally to think outside of the box in order to be an effective and efficient teacher. I definitely plan to use this website as a resource in the future.

For more information: Teacher Literacy Website: Classroom Tours (3rd and 4th Grade)

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