Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Applying Poetry To The Classroom: Linaberger Response

Many teachers have a fear o bringing poetry into the classroom due to their own misconceptions and prior experiences with it. Some simply read the poetry, which is not enough, since students become confused by the complexity. However, teaching children to write their own poetry is not as daunting a task as it seems. 

Linaberger's Implementation

In Linaberger, the class reads the poetry and discussing it. Then, they go on to write their own. These poems can them be shared with the class and analyzed. 
In the author's own experience, they first give the students a prompt to simply write a poem. This gives them an idea of what their students perceive poetry as. The next time, she gives them a prompt to describe, if they had a third eye, what it would see. Finally, she uses the process previously described and the students effectively mimic parts of he poem. This method is so simple, but seems to have such a large impact in teaching students to both read and rite poetry.

My Implementation

I definitely would love to implement this method into my own classroom, however, there are some activities I would add.

Fill in the Blank: 

I would obviously not implement the type of fill in the blank discussed as ineffective in this article. I would use a different type of fill in the blank and I would use it primarily as a visual demonstration tool. This would show a certain number of blank spaces simply to demonstrate the number of syllables in a poem or the rhyme scheme of a poem.

Acting Out Poetry: 

I think it would be fun and effective for students to read poems to their classmates with emotion and punctuation. It not only practices their fluency when reading, but also demonstrates the fundamental of what poetry is; emotion.

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